At Buckhead Dental Group, our dentists are excited to offer solutions for your dental care needs. We offer conscious sedation and nitrous oxide to help our patients feel comfortable during lengthy procedures. Sedation is considered beneficial for those with dental anxiety, sensitive gag reflexes, tooth sensitivity, and other special needs. Sedation dentistry can help you feel calmer during your visits with our team because we’re here to care for your oral health and keep it healthy for life.
Sedation Dentistry Procedures in Our Practice
Our practice provides two forms of sedation:
- Conscious Sedation: During a procedure, conscious sedation helps you stay awake and aware without feeling any signs of discomfort. This form of sedation does not produce the stronger side effects and risks of general anesthesia. When patients are under conscious sedation, they are able to speak and respond to verbal cues during a procedure. Conscious sedation does not last as long, meaning patients can quickly recover from its effects.
- Nitrous Oxide: Alongside conscious sedation, our dentists provide nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide, also known by patients as laughing gas, is a colorless gas used to sedate patients for minor medical procedures. It produces a mild form of sedation combined with euphoric effects when administered. It is mixed with oxygen to help keep patients conscious and relaxed during their appointments and typically works best for both children and adults.
By precisely controlling sedation levels, Or team can provide patients with effective means of controlling dental anxiety during their dental procedures, as sedation is most often recommended for those who cannot handle basic dental procedures. It can help ease anxieties and phobias related to dentistry, helping you remain calm and comfortable during treatment. Sedation dentistry can also be used for other related conditions, including
- Sensitive gag reflexes
- Aichmophobia, or a fear of needles.
- Extreme tooth sensitivity
- Lower sensitivity to local anesthesia.
- Difficulty controlling movements, such as Parkinson’s disease or anxiety.
- Other physical, cognitive, or behavioral needs.
Learn More About Our Sedation Options Today!
Sedation dentistry is excellent for patients with unique needs requiring mild to moderate dental work. At Buckhead Dental Group, sedation can be added to any procedure when your personal factors are considered. Conscious sedation and nitrous oxide can be included in oral surgery procedures, dental implants, dental emergencies, root canal treatment, and other common dental treatments.
If you suffer from poor oral healthcare, then it’s time to visit Buckhead Dental Group. Our team of dentists, we can help you feel more comfortable and well-cared for at your appointment and provide you will full, extensive dental care that meets all of your needs. For more information about our dental sedation methods and how they may best work for you, contact our practice today to arrange an appointment to learn about our various treatment options that can be combined with sedation.